Internal Medicine: Open Access

Internal Medicine: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-8048

+44 1300 500008

Assessment of venous thromboembolism after total knee replacements

2nd International Conference on Internal Medicine & Hospital Medicine

September 13-14, 2017 Dallas, USA

Ashutosh Kapoor

Wansbeck General Hospital, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Intern Med

Abstract :

Total Knee Arthroplasty, also known as total knee replacement, is one of the most commonly performed orthopedic procedures. As of 2010, over 600,000 total knee replacements were being performed annually in the United States and were increasingly common.Venous Thromboembolism, is an entity, seen quite frequently here in the United Kingdom and one that is taken quite seriously, since it is easily manageable, if detected and recognised early. In this project, the Medical Team and the Orthopaedics team, participated in a joint initiative to detect and assess the reported cases of Venous Thromboembolism within 3 months after Total Knee replacements, delving deep into how they were being managed and most importantly, if followed up or not. The aim of the project was to assess compliance with NICE guidelines for VTE prophylaxis and to assess how suspected & confirmed VTE following TKR are treated. Also we wanted to recognize if cases being followed up or not and to introduce a more robust system. The methods we used were Retrospective audit of patients under-going TKR. Nice guidelines were followed that is Mechanical prophylaxis ��? TEDS 6 weeks and Chemical prophylaxis ��? LMWH 10 days. We viewed Operation notes, discharge summaries and Clinic letters. The results of the study are discussed with a definite conclusion that more Robust communication should be there to ensue between the Medical and Orthopedic specialties.

Biography :

Ashutosh Kapoor completed schooling education joined the prestigious Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, in India. He graduated in 2012, following which he completed internship in Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, a reputed hospital, which has an extremely internship friendly program, with many research opportunities. It was always his dream to pursue Post Graduation from a country with sound training and robust work culture, to attain more exposure and enhance my skills, which is what, attracted him to the United Kingdom, wherein He pursued PLAB examinations (Medical Licensing Examinations) and obtained a License to Practice, following which he cleared the MRCP 1 and MRCP 2. Following this, He attended Core Medical Training Program, which he successfully managed to do in August, 2016 and he is currently pursuing the same. His Primary interest and motivation now lies in giving back to the society, what it has bestowed upon him and to follow his dream of becoming a Diabetes and Endocrine Consultant, one day in the future
