ISSN: 2155-9570
Qurat Ul Ain Asghar
The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clin Exp Ophthalmol
Introduction & Objective: Now a day many people complain of eye irritation, dryness and itching especially those who have
dandruff in their head. This dandruff can be the cause of dry eye. In the skin diseases like seborrheic dermatitis and seborrheic
blepharitis there are chances of dry eye whose symptoms cannot be relieved until we treat these disease because the cause of
this dry eye is dry skin. If these skin diseases are left untreated they can cause further damages to eye such as corneal erosions.
The objective of this study is to find out the frequency of frequency of dry eye in 30 people (male and female) who were
suffering from the seborrheic dermatitis and seborrheic blepharitis.
Method: We diagnosed the dry eye by the tear break-up time testing using the cobalt-blue filter of slit lamp. We took the
patients of seborrheic dermatitis and seborrheic blepharitis which are diagnosed by consultant doctors and performed the method
to check dry eye. Fluorescein was instilled in the patient’s eye and asked the patient to do a complete blink once and then stop
blinking and then we noted the time with stop watch when the first dry spot appeared in tear film (normal: 10-40 seconds).
Results: We took 30 patients of SB and adult SD. Most of these patients were between the ages 20-25. Out of these 30 patients
23.3% were male and 76.7% were female. In case of SB, 83.3% females had dry eye and all males 100% had dry eye. While in
case of SD, 91% females and 100% males had dry eye and the results showed that dry eye was more marked in right eye as
compared to left eye. 19 out of 30 patients had symptoms more prominent in their right eye.
Conclusion: This study was conducted to determine whether there is any association between dry eye and adult SD and SB and
the study concluded that there is a strong association between dry eye, SD and SB. We took 30 patients and assessed the TBUT
of both eyes. TBUT was seen to be low in right eye as compared to left eye. Out of 30 patients, 23 patients had dry eye and the
results showed that dry eye was more marked in the patients of SD than SB.
Qurat Ul Ain Asghar is currently pursuing her Optometry from the University of Faisalabad, Pakistan.