Journal of Cell Signaling

Journal of Cell Signaling
Open Access

ISSN: 2576-1471

Autoreactive TCD8+ lymphocytes in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in association with HLA-DRB1 and adenovirus infection

Joint Event on 2nd Annual summit on Cell Signaling and Cancer Therapy & Cell Metabolism and Cytopathology

September 19 - 20, 2018 | Philadelphia, USA

Sergio E Rivera, Miriam Echeverria, Pedro Salcedo, Georgina Marquez, Zuhey Carrillo, Yennis Parra and Ana Maria Cipriani

University of Zulia
Blood Bank of the State of Zulia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cell Signal

Abstract :

A possible interaction between a specific HLA-DRB1 type and Adenovirus has been postulated as a promoter in leukemia clonal evolution. The HLA-DRB1*14, specifically DRB1*14:21, 14:22, 14:45, 14:26, 14:33, 14:51, 14:35 subtypes was the most frequent in CML Venezuelan patients. It is interesting to evaluate the molecular mimicry between the Adenovirus and the DRB1*14 subtypes which exhibit the same change in the amino acid position of the DR53 epitope. This mimicked segment has been identified as a LLERRRA polypeptide. Experimental research was conducted on peripheral blood samples from in peripheral blood samples of patients with CML and healthy controls from Venezuelan patients and included mixed lymphocytes culture, serology, specific lymphocyte proliferation and Cytofluorometry. DRB1*14 patientâ??s lymphocytes reacted in 48 hours mixed culture against DRB1*14 promoters lymphocytes exhibiting increased CD8+T lymphocytes. CML patients lack IgG or IgM specific against Adenovirus in contrast with Adenovirus serology of healthy controls. Only CML patientâ??s lymphocytes reacted to LLERRRA peptide, increasing CD8+ T cells. It is established that the relationship CML, HLADRB1*14, autoreactive CD8+ T memory cell and CD8+T specific response from Adenovirus polypeptide could be at the origin of the CML in Venezuelan patients.

Biography :

Sergio E Rivera Pirela: Veterinary Doctor Graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences (FCV) of the University of Zulia (LUZ), Maracaibo, Venezuela, Doctorate in Cell Biology and Immunology from the Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Faculties of Sciences and Medicine, France, Titular Professor Emeritus and Researcher of LUZ, HLA Laboratory Coordinator Immunology and Genetics of the Blood Bank of the State of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Specialist in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Immunopathology, zoonosis, Immunogenetics and Cancer. Head of the Chair of Immunology of the FCV-LUZ, Head of the Department of Transmissible Diseases of the FCV-LUZ, Postgraduate Director FCV-LUZ, Director of the Doctorate Program LUZ-Spanish Universities, Professor Doctorate in Veterinary Sciences.


