Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0138

Bioanalytical method development, validation and pharmacokinetics study of 5-Fluorouracil loaded nanoparticles

4th Annual Congress on Drug Discovery & Designing

July 03-04, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand

Saurabh Srivastava

King George�s Medical University, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Drug Des

Abstract :

Background: 5-fluorouracil (5FU) is a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer. 5FU loaded with nanotechnology can enhance efficacy over conventional drawback of 5-FU, such as short half-life, toxicity, low bioavailability and non-selective action. Pharmacokinetic profile of this advanced nano-formulation is needed to correlates with overall ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) process. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop HPLC-UV method and validate its performance in expression of specificity, precision, sensitivity, accuracy and stability of the developed 5-fluorouracil nanoparticles (5-FUNPs) and correlate and collect the valuable pharmacokinetics data. Methodology: 5-FUNPs were formulated with polymer poly lactic co-glycolic acid with oil-in-water/solvent evaporation. Characterizations of nanoformulation were performed which included particle size and stability studies. Analytical method was developed and validated from HPLC-UV and applied to pharmacokinetic parameters. Results: The calibration curve plotted for 5-FUNPs was linear at 267 nm. The lower limit for the quantification was found 10.13 ng/mL. The size of 5-FUNPs was between 137�±0.97 to 193�±0.93 nm and zeta potential between 0.27�±0.08 to 0.29�±0.07 mv on the side of positively charged. The highest peak for drug concentration, Cmax was 3.235�±0.78 mg/L at highest time point, Tmax 7.21�±2.52 hrs. The AUC(0-96) & AUC(0-â��) showed 8.89�±4.98 mg/L-h and 9.57�±3.77 mg/L-h respectively and t1/2 was 22.98�±3.73 hrs. Conclusion: The results show a simple, specific, sensitive and stable HPLC-UV method for the quantitative determination of 5-FUNPs in plasma and successfully applied to the pharmacokinetic study after oral administration in rats.

Biography :

Email: saurabhadd09@gmail.com
