Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

Bio-fertilizers from biomasses and wastes: High added value products for agriculture

Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Biomass

August 08-09, 2016 Birmingham, UK

Saida Tayibi, Abderrahim Solhy and Abdellatif Barakat

Center for Advanced Materials, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, lot 660 - Hay Moulay Rachid, 43150 Ben Guerir, Morocco
IATE, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro, INRA, University of Montpelier, 34060, Montpellier, France

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl

Abstract :

The growing demand for energy, water and high value-added products have considerable economic and environmental issues and highlights the need to recycle and valorize the wastes. The valorization of wastes is one of the routes that can contribute to a future sustainable economy; the challenge is to find the appropriate technologies that can convert wastes into bioenergy and by-products. In this process, organic waste and lignocellulosic biomass appear naturally as the main renewable materials which are able to provide not only alternative energy sources but also intermediate molecules derived from green chemistry and enabling access to a range of new products and formulations. The production of bio-fertilizers from wastes and lignocellulosic biomass appear as promising alternative to chemical fertilizers that can contribute to increase in soil fertility and agriculture efficiency in sustainable farming. The aim of this study is to develop and produce different new bio-fertilizers using different technologies such as pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, composting, and microalgae cultivation. Different technologies and bio-fertilizers developed in this study were being compared in terms of soil fertility, energy efficiency and environmental impact.

Biography :

Saida Tayibi has a Master’s degree in Functional Materials (2015). She is a PhD Student in the Center for Advanced Materials (CAM), Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco in collaboration with National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA).

