ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X
Anas Elamaireh
Jordanian Royal Medical Services, Jordan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Ann Essence Dent
In recent years, due to the common practice of endoscopic sinus surgery and with the availability of modern imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT), to evaluate the paranasal sinuses other than the ordinary sinus x-, which had lead to better identification of the paranasal anatomy and even recognizing anatomical variations related to them. One of such variations is middle turbinate pneumatization which is termed concha bullosa (CB). concha bullosa is considered one of the most encountered variations that present in the middle turbinate, and its divided in to three types; lamellar, bulbous or extensive type. However, while evaluating paranasal sinus CT scans we noticed that the CB got septations within it, mostly being the presence of one septum which divides the concha into two chambers. The term of septated CB has been introduced recently and it is an uncommonly pneumatized anomaly that present in the middle turbinate. No studies have been published regarding the presence or the number of septations in relation to sino-nasal pathology. In this case report we are presenting a case of CT scan showing concha bullosa that is bi-septated which had led to presence of triple chambered CB, which was noted in CT for a patient that is presented to our clinic complaining of nasal obstruction Keywords: Concha Bullosa, Middle Turbinate, Septated.