Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

BWISE TM - Web-based delivery of a preventive parent-implemented language program: A feasibility study

12th Asia Pacific Pediatrics Congress

May 01-02, 2019 Seoul, South Korea

Chan Ka Lam Jess

Hong Kong Christian Service, Hong Kong

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediatr Ther

Abstract :

Ample evidence has attested the effectiveness of language intervention for children with late language emergence and expressive language problems. Untreated language problems may have long-lasting impact on individuals as well as the community. Parent-implemented language program could be an effective approach to alleviate early language delay. However, active enrolment and participation is always a challenge of face-to-face parent training programs. Developing innovative delivery methods that address participation barriers would be a key for cost-effective service at the population level. This study examined the feasibility of a video-based parent-implemented language program. Parents of 44 children aged between 12 to 24 months old enrolled in the program. Thirty-one parents completed six video-based prototype sessions of parent training program on their mobile devices over two months. Parents submitted self-captured parent-child interaction videos at home for outcome evaluation. Parents’ knowledge of language facilitation skills, their actual use of language facilitation techniques during interaction and children’s intentional communication performance were compared before and after the training. The program showed a relatively low attrition rate of 30% (13/44). Significant improvements were noted in all the measures in all participant dyads. It is concluded that the video-based delivery adaptation was feasible and can be delivered at a low cost for a large number of parents.

Biography :

Chan Ka Lam Jess has completed her Bachelor degree in the University of Hong Kong and obtained 3 master degrees in Hong Kong.. She is currently a PhD candidate. She has worked as a Speech Therapist and has been serving as a Speech Therapy Supervisor for more than 10 years.

