ISSN: 2161-0517
Kook Hyung Kim, Phu Tri Tran, Kristin Widyasari and Jang Kyun Seo
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Seoul National University, South Korea
Institutes of Green Bio Science and Technology - Seoul National University, South Korea
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Virol Mycol
Soybean mosaic virus, a member of the genus Potyvirus, significantly reduces soybean production worldwide. Rsv3, which confers strain-specific resistance to SMV, was previously mapped between the markers A519F/R and M3Satt in chromosome 14 of the soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotype L29. Analysis of the soybean genome database revealed that five different NBS-LRR sequences exist between the flanking markers. Among these candidate Rsv3 genes, the full-length cDNA of the Glyma.14g204700 was successfully cloned from L29. Over-expression of Glyma.14g204700 in leaves inoculated with SMV inhibited viral infection in a soybean genotype lacking Rsv3. In addition, the transient silencing of the candidate gene caused a high accumulation of a virulent strain in L29 carrying Rsv3. Our results therefore provide additional line of evidence to support that Glyma.14g204700 is likely Rsv3 gene that confers strain-specific resistance to SMV.
Recent Publications
1. Seo JK, Kang SH, Seo BY, Jung JK, Kim KH (2010) Mutational analysis of interaction between coat protein and helper component-proteinase of soybean mosaic virus involved in aphid transmission. Molecular Plant Pathology 11: 265-276.
2. Seo JK, Kwon SJ, Cho WK, Choi HS, Kim KH (2014) Type 2C protein phosphatase is a key regulator of antiviral extreme resistance limiting virus spread. Scientific Reports 4: 5905.
3. Seo JK, Lee SH, Kim KH (2009) Strain-specific cylindrical inclusion protein of soybean mosaic virus elicits extreme resistance and a lethal systemic hypersensitive response in two resistant soybean cultivars. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction 22: 1151-1159.
4. Seo JK, Vo Phan MS, Kang SH, Choi HS, Kim KH (2013) The charged residues in the surface-exposed C-terminus of the soybean mosaic virus coat protein are critical for cell-to-cell movement and virion assembly. Virology 446: 95-101.
Dr. Kim has completed his PhD from the Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University (NCSU) and postdoctoral studies from NCSU Department of Biochemistry. He is the director of Plant Clinic, Seoul National University. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of Virology, Virus Research, and Scientific Reports.