Journal of Probiotics & Health

Journal of Probiotics & Health
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-8901

Clinical trials of a combined probiotic Biogarant-Plantafermin

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Probiotics, Functional and Baby Foods

November 03-05, 2015 Valencia, Spain

Irina A Ratnikova1, N N Gavrilova1, A K Sadanov1, Z Zh Turlybaeva1 and V G Melnikov2

1Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Kazakhstan
2Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russia

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Prob Health

Abstract :

Microbiota is significantly impaired in patients with various gut diseases. This causes additional dysfunctions with a range of complaints. Restore eubiosis is one of the main tasks of a gastroenterologist. Evaluation of clinical and laboratory efficacy of probiotic â??Biogarant-Plantaferminâ? in comparison with widely used probiotic â??Bifidumbacterinâ? in patients with clinically manifested gut dysbiosis was performed. The study involved three groups of patients (20 each) with chronic intestinal diseases. All of them received conventional basic therapy. The first group of patients additionally received probiotic â??Biogarant-Plantaferminâ? (L. fermentum, L. plantarum) - 50 ml once a day and the second group of patients-â??Bifidumbacterinâ? (B. bifidum)-5 doses twice a day. The duration of treatment was 3 weeks. Clinical efficacy was evaluated on terms of disappearance of dyspepsia and microbiological signs of disease. It was demonstrated that the percentage of patients recovered from dysbiosis taking â??Biogarant-Plantaferminâ? amounted to 92%; percentage of patients treated with â??Bifidumbacterinâ?-81% and in the control group received no probiotic treatment recovered 72%. A positive effect of the drug â??Biogarant-Plantaferminâ? towards the microbial landscape of the intestine was registered. â??Biogarant- Plantaferminâ? well tolerated both the clinical picture and the laboratory tests indicated no side effects. â??Biogarant-Plantaferminâ? can be recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic use in patients with inflammatory intestinal diseases complicated by gut dysbiosis.

Biography :

Irina A Ratnikova has completed her PhD in 1993 and Doctor of Science dissertation in 2010 from Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Kazakhstan. She is the Head of Microbial Preparations Laboratory at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology. She has more than 160 publications and 13 patents. She is a Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011).

