International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-9096

+44 1300 500008

Closed agility skill evaluation of ultimate frisbee players according to playing position

8th World Congress on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

March 25-26, 2019 Sydney, Australia

Ma Criselda B Ilagan

De La Salle and Health Sciences Institute, Philippines

Keynote: Int J Phys Med Rehabil

Abstract :

Closed agility skill is one of the most important skills in team sports like Ultimate Frisbee. Players must be able to change direction in a quick and controlled manner to be able to execute a team play or breaking away from the defender. The T-Test is a valid and reliable test for change of direction speed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the closed agility performance of Ultimate Frisbee players according to their self-reported playing position using the T-Test. 16 male Ultimate Frisbee players with two years playing experience participated in the study. This study utilized a descriptive quantitative study. The participants were divided into their selfreported playing position, handlers (n=8) and cutters (n=8). Each participant performed the T-Test three times with one-minute rest in between. The best score was recorded for data analysis using the two sample t-test. Descriptive statistics showed that the handlers are heavier in weight, shorter and leaner than the cutters. The results showed that the handler position in Ultimate Frisbee had shorter time (10.71�?�0.29 s) compared to the cutters (11.81 �?� 0.39 s) in change of direction speed. The closed agility skill of handlers is significantly higher compared to the cutters with p-value of 0.0397. The handlers are faster in changing direction because of positional requirement. The handlers and the cutters in Ultimate Frisbee differ in terms of anthropometric characteristics and change of direction speed.

Biography :

Ma Criselda B Ilagan is a Licensed Physical Therapist from the Philippines. She has completed her Masters degree from the University of Santo Tomas specializing in Orthopedic Rehabilitation. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences in De La Salle and Health Sciences Institute. She also works as a Sports Physical Therapist at the De La Salle Sports Physiotherapy and Athletic Performance Center.


