Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Comparative study between stapled hemorrhoidopexy and LigaSure hemorrhoidectomy

3rd International Conference on Gynecology & Obstetrics

November 24-26, 2016 Dubai UAE

Othman M, Abousteit H, Raslan S and Kamal A

Albaha University, Saudi Arabia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gynecol Obstet

Abstract :

This is a prospective study aimed to compare the results of stapled hemorrhoidopexy with LigaSure Haemorrhoidectomy. This study included 50 patients. Operation time and postoperative progress was assessed. Postoperative pain was assessed using visual analogue scale. The majority of patients were males; 12 patients had grade III haemorhoids and 38 patients had grade IV haemorhoids. Mean age was 43 years. The average operating time was 45.5 minutes for stapled hemorrhoidopexy and 35.5 minutes for LigaSure haemorrhoidectomy. The average pain scores on postoperative day 1 and day 2 were 2.5 and 2 for stapled hemorrhoidopexy while for LigaSure haemorrhoidectomy were 5.5 and 5. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy offers much less pain when compared to LigaSure. Presenter
Khalid Ghazi Shrayyif Al-Ghamdi
Mohammad Abdullah Ghazi Al-Oliani
Moath Jamaan Saeed Al-Ghamdi
Ahmad Mohammad Safar Al-Ghamdi
Ayedh Mobarak Ayedh Al-Bishi
Majed Ghurmallah Saeed Al-Zahrani
Ghazi Saeed Abdullah Al-Ghamdi
Abdullah Jabbar Abdullah Al-Ghamdi
Mohammed Othman Al-Ghamdi
Saleh Mobarak Al-Ghamdi

Biography :

