Oncology & Cancer Case Reports

Oncology & Cancer Case Reports
Open Access

ISSN: 2471-8556

Comparative study of the levels of interleukin-27 and interleukin-17 in pleural fluid of patients with cause of exudative pleural effusions


December 05-07, 2016 Philadelphia, USA

Mohammad Reza Hashempour, Ali Aryannia, Mahshid Mehrjerdian, Mojtaba Kiani and Gholam Reza Roshandel

5Azar Hospital-Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Taleghani Hospital-Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Sayyad Shirazi Hospital-Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oncol Cancer Case Rep

Abstract :

Pleural effusion is one of signs and complications resulting from malignant diseases such aslung and breast cancer, and also tuberculosis and infective lung disease. Diagnostic evaluationfor patients with pleural effusion include history, physical exam, chest x-ray and if necessarythoracocentesis and cytologic analysis of pleural fluid. According to cytologic evaluation ofpleural fluid, pleural effusion divide in two group: exudative and transudative, that exudativepleural effusion require more diagnostic evaluations. By cytologic analysis of pleural fluid wecan use of tumor markers and other biomarkers to better diagnose malignant pleural effusion. Inthe previous studies by using immunochemical approach, interleukin-17 and also CEA expressin more amounts in malignant pleural effusion than in benign pleural effusion, in contrast tointerleukin-27. In this study we examined the concentration of Interleukin-27 & 17 in PleuralFluid with Causes of Exudative Pleural Effusion in the Patients Referred to educational Hospitalof Gorgan of Iran in 2015-16. This is a descriptive-analytical and case-control study and 130patient with exudative pleural effusion were enrolled in the study after an informed consent.Samples collected from the patients divided in two main group including 88 patients withmalignant pleural effusion and 42 patients with benign pleural effusion. In next step by using ofthe same previous pleural fluid samples, the concentration of Interleukin-27 & 17 was measuredwith ELISA by an specific Kit. After entering to computer through SPSS-18 statistical software,description of data was done into frequency and percentage. Interleukin-27 concentration was(203.05�?±76.03) in patients with malignant causes and (344.15�?±236.42) in benign causesspecially tuberculosis. Interleukin-17 concentration was (69.73�?±64.58) in patients with malignantcauses and (55.32�?±43.60) in benign causes.The results showed that these difference werestatistically significant (p=0.000 for IL27) and (p=0.02 for IL17). In other word interleukin-27level, is higher in the benign pleural effusions and interleukin-17 level, is higher in the malignantpleural effusions. According to higher levels of interleukin-27 in benign pleural effusions andhigher level of interleukin-17 in malignant pleural effusions, maybe we can achieve importantresults in differentiating between malignant and non-malignant pleural exudate, without the needfor invasive procedures, by putting together the clinical symptoms, the interleukins concentrationin pleural fluid and pleural fluid cytology results.

Biography :

Mohammad Reza Hashempour has completed his Doctorate from Army University of Medical Sciences and Postdoctoral studies in Surgery from Golestan University School of Medicine. He has published papers in reputed journals.

Email: hashempourm@yahoo.com

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