ISSN: 2161-0495
+44 1478 350008
Friedrich H. Lux
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clinic Toxicol
T ire track identification is based on different software products today. The aim is to find the car type and/or the mounted tires on the car of the suspect based on a tire track from a crime scene. During the last decades, the ?Tire Book?, with about 5.000 printed tire patterns, was the only possibility to find the identity of a tire from a corresponding tire track. The ?Tire Database? is now available on two different standard software platforms: Access and Excel. To find 1 tire out of about 15.000, you have 7 different search criteria. All in all, there are about 3 million possible variations. The result is a short technical description of the specific tire, a picture of the tread pattern and its classification. The history of each tire will give important information on patent disputes. The tire database was developed in cooperation with ENFSI (European Network of forensic Science Institutes). The ?Car Database? is available in standard excel-format for worldwide use. The database is based on the original tire equipment of cars at their delivery. Conversion tables will help to find corresponding tire sizes on the legal and illegal replacement market. About 12.000 different passenger cars, SUVs and light truck models of more than 300 different car manufacturers are listed. Wheel base, front and rear track and the tire size of the original equipment are listed for search. The tire database is used by ?TreadMate?, a product of our partner Foster & Freeman, too. All products are updated annually
Friedrich H. Lux, Doctor of Technical Science, completed his study at the Technical University in Vienna, Austria. He worked for 10 years at the research laboratory of Continental Tire Company in Austria and established his company ?Tire Global Information? in 1995. Books and software products of the company are used worldwide by the police as well as for commercial purposes. Lux is general sworn and court certified expert on tire track identification. Publications and presentations on tire identification and tire technology have caught attention all over the world. He is teacher for economics and technic subjects at the Technical College in Moedling, Austria