Clinical & Experimental Cardiology

Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9880

+44 1300 500008

Conducting a general checkup to seniors as part of prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Bulgaria

5th International Conference on Clinical & Experimental Cardiology

April 27-29, 2015 Philadelphia, USA

Penka Stefanova1, Galja N Atanasova2, Sergey Deyanov3 and Stefan Kostadinov4

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Cardiolog

Abstract :

General health checks are designed to reduce morbidity and prolong life. The theme for the conduct of general checkpopulation is the subject of many studies. Still under discussion whether and to what extent should be carried out this review, what are the pros and cons, what is the effect of their implementation for the individual and society. In Bulgaria after reforms in health care was adopted health insurance model and enhance the role of general practitioners as a key figure for providing primary outpatient treatment. As part of the obligations of the GPs for the implementation of individual contracts with the NHIF are preventive examinations of compulsory insured people over 18 and the formation of risk groups. Since 2006, the total check-up by the GPs is compulsory for all insured people. It includes a basic package of activities and studies on the basis of which are identified as those with diseases and patients who are at increased risk of certain socially significant diseases, such as cardiovascular, malignant diseases and diabetes. Mortality in Bulgaria exceed the EU average by 17 different causes of death as in five, including diseases of the circulatory system, other heart diseases, cerebrovascular disease, our country is in the first place. The purpose of this study is to establish the scope and effectiveness of the program for the prevention of adults conducted by GPs. A direct individual survey with 513 people from Pleven region and 262 GPs from three areas in the country has been carried out. Official data from information databases NHIF and RHIF ? Pleven has been used. A lower range of the population was established - less than 50% of eligible. Many people are not sufficiently informed about screening. Greater the percentage of people who believe that the prophylactic examination is necessary, but is formally done by GPs and that studies are insufficient. Doctors also cited as reasons for the failure of the program insufficient awareness of the population, lack of time, insufficient limit obtained from the health insurance fund for research and insufficient motivation. A steady upward trend for the lack of implementation of the program for at-risk groups of population is reported. Lacks sustainability, monitoring and reporting the effect of the program.

Biography :

Penka Stefanova Kostadinova is the Director of the Regional Health Insurance Fund in the city Pleven and ass. professor at the Medical University - Pleven. Master of Medicine and Economics, specialty ?Finance?. She has also the specialties ?Social Medicine and Health Management? and ?Economics of Health?. Has over 50 publications and participations in Bulgaria and abroad. Scientific interests are in the field of public health protection and prevention of non-infectious socially significant diseases of population.
