Rheumatology: Current Research

Rheumatology: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1149 (Printed)


Cost of treatment of pediatric femoral shaft fractures: Compression plating versus conservative treatment

International Conference and Exhibition on Orthopedics & Rheumatology

August 13-15, 2012 Hilton Chicago/Northbrook, USA

Sharifeh Kamalimotlagh and Taghi Ramazanian

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Rheumatology & Orthopedics

Abstract :

F emoral shaft fractures are common injuries in children and treatment of shaft fractures varies with the patient`s condition and the age of the patient .Economic considerations are an essential part of good surgical practice especially in the face of ever rising cost of health care .This paper compares the cost effectiveness of compression plating and traction in pediatric femoral shaft fractures. This retrospective study aimed at comparing the cost of managing pediatric femoral shaft fracture in which children 2-12 years who had admitted to Nekooi hospital between 2003 and 2011 .32 samples from each group were selected .The data were collected by means of checklists and financial documents. Sixty ? nine patients met the inclusion criteria. Thirty? two patients (46.4%) had ORIF with compression plates and thirty ? seven patients (53.6%) had treated non ? operatively by traction followed by cast .The mean cost of treatment was 12473000 Rials (±2.04) for ORIF and 8428900 Rials (±1.41) for the conservative group. (p<0.0001) The cost of ORIF with plates and screws is 32% more expensive than traction followed by cast

Biography :

Sharifeh kamalimotlagh has completed her doctor of medicine at the age of 26 years from Qom University of medical science and she is general physician in Iran now. Taghi Ramazanian is Orthopedic Surgeon in QOM University of Medical Sience.
