ISSN: 2168-9792
Alireza Ghanbarpour
University of Tehran, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng
Longest-lived space exploration project, Voyager 1 and 2, achieve 40 years of operation and exploration in August and September 2017. By considering their distance, they continue to communicate with NASA center on earth on daily basis, still probing the final frontier. Their story has not only impacted generations of current and future scientists and engineers, but also Earth�s culture, including film, art and music. Each spacecraft carries a golden record of Earth sounds, pictures and messages. Since the spacecraft could last billions of years, these circular time capsules could one day be the only traces of human civilization. In this interactive visualization, you can ride along with the Voyager spacecraft in real-time at any time during the entire mission. For example, watch all of the historic first encounters, like Voyager 2 arriving at Neptune, or go to the moment Voyager 1 left our solar system behind to enter the vast region of interstellar space in 2012. In this paper, instruments, modules and engines will be review moreover than the mission objectives and current location of voyagers in day of writing the paper.`