ISSN: 2161-0517
Changjun Bao and Xiang Huo
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Virol-mycol
Influenza H7N9 and H1N1pdm can cause severe human infections. It is important to investigate the distinguishing clinical features between these two diseases. Several studies have compared the differences in general, however, age and gender adjusted comparisons may be more useful and informative to the health professionals. A total of 184 severe H1N1pdm patients and 61 severe H7N9 patients from Jiangsu Province were included in this analysis to perform age and gender adjusted comparison of clinical features. The age was significantly older (median, 56.0 vs. 27.0) and male accounted for a significantly higher proportion (70.5% vs. 48.4%) in H7N9 patients than H1N1pdm patients. Before adjusting age and gender, H7N9 patients were significantly more likely to have chronic cardiovascular disorders and their intervals from onset of illness to first medical consultation were significantly longer. However, after adjusting, both the differences became insignificant. With respect to the clinical outcome, H7N9 patients were more likely to develop ARDS, respiratory failure, heart failure, liver dysfunction, renal dysfunction and to be admitted to ICU with a significantly higher fatality, regardless of age and gender. Furthermore, H7N9 patients had significantly longer intervals from onset of illness to neuraminidase inhibitor treatment, to hospitalization and to death even after adjusting age and gender. Our results suggests that age and gender should be adjusted as important confounding factors when comparing the clinical features between severe H7N9 and H1N1pdm patients to avoid any misunderstanding regarding the differences between these two diseases. Compared with our previous results, the clinical outcomes of H7N9 patients seem getting worse, which need more data and analyses to figure out the reasons.