ISSN: 2167-0501
Swetha E, Lohitha S, Sujatha S and Veeresham C
Posters: Biochem & Pharmacol
Herbal products are widely perceived as safe by the patients and their stability and quality may be determined by different analytical methods. High Performance Liquid Chromatography and UV-Visible Spectroscopic methods were developed and validated to determine the content of mangiferin in Chiniumco Tablets, Myodrrops XL Capsules and M2-Tone Syrup. The amount of mangiferin in UV method was found to be 272.06μg/ml, 655.5μg/ml, 135.9μg/ml in 1mg/ml extracts of chiniumco tablets, myodrrops XL capsules and M2 Tone syrup, respectively. In HPLC, the amount was found to be 246.29μg/ml, 662.42μg/ ml, 180.29μg/ml in 1mg/ml extracts of chiniumco tablets, myodrrops XL capsules and M2 Tone syrup, respectively. The developed methods yield validated results on different purity of samples with high degree of accuracy, precision, linearity and capable of simultaneous quantitation of marker compound, mangiferin. These methods were proved to be suitable for mangiferin determination in herbal formulations for routine analysis to assure their quality and safety. Keywords: Mangiferin, Chiniumco Tablets, Myodrrops XL Capsules, M2-Tone Syrup
Ms Swetha E has been working as research scholar under the guidance of Prof. Ciddi Veeresham in University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya Univeristy, Warangal. She has completed her master?s degree in pharmacy from the same University. She has published one research paper on Aldose Reductase Inhibitory activity of Andrographis paniculata herb in Phytotherapy Research journal and she also has some presentations.