Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0412

+44 1300 500008

Determination of pesticide residue in marketed hepato-protective herbal formulations by capillary gas chromatography

Global Summit on Herbals & Natural Remedies

October 26-27, 2015 Chicago, USA

A V Chandewar

P Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, India

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants

Abstract :

Pesticide residue refers to pesticides, their poisonous metabolic and degradation products and impurities that may remain on or in the organism, agricultural product, and the environment, after they are applied. Sometimes pesticide residue is unavoidable. However, if the residue exceeds the maximum limit or a tolerance, it will pose significant risk to humans and animals or other creatures in the ecological system, through the food chain. The medicinal plants materials are liable to contain pesticide residue, which accumulate from agriculture practices such as spraying treatment of soils during cultivation and administration of fumigants during storage. It is, therefore, recommended that every country producing medicinal plant material should determine the pesticide residue. WHO has established the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) in medicinal plants. In this research, the pesticide residues in different hepato-protective herbal formulations were determined by capillary gas chromatography. A Varian 6890N gas liquid chromatography equipped with a 230 m XO, 32 mm, I. d. glass column packed with SE-52, a constant current 63 Ni electron capture detector. The operating conditions were as follows: Injection volume was 2 �¼l; injector temperature, 200 ��C; oven temperature, 160 ��C; detector; mobile phase A:0.1% aqueous formic acid solution was used. From the result of determination of pesticide residue in marketed hepato-protective herbal formulation, it was observed that the pesticide residues in formulations were present as in HP1 (Alpha HCH-0.19 ppm), HP2 (diazinone-0.63 ppm), HP3 (Captafol-0.39 ppm, Trans Fluthrin-0.27 ppm), HP4 (Beta-HCH-0.20 ppm, Heptachlor-0.38 ppm), HP5 (Alachlor-0.27 ppm) which could produce ill effect on health of patient, using this herbal formulation.

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