ISSN: 2090-4541
+44 1300 500008
Cesar Alejandro Diaz Cano
University Autonum of Queretaro, Mexico
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is of great importance in a wide range of laboratory tests, especially in the diagnosis of viral, bacterial and parasitic deseases, the diagnosis of hereditary disorders and tumors, as well as basic research. To provide relevant and reliable results, the molecular biology teechniques used for such purposes require pure and intect molecules of purified RNA. RNA can be extracted from prokaryotic or eukaryotic organisms, from various heterogeneous materials, such fresh or frozen tissues, cell lines, PCR products or chemically preserved samples for a long. Therefore, RNA purification becomes a critical step, to obtain good quality RNA molecules (pure and intact). The first is based on organic extraction using phenol: chloroform. The second group encompasses RNA purification methods through their ability to adsorb at specific salts, and the third groups includes methods that exploit RNA isolation on isopynic gradients. Precisely, the adsorption methods, which are based based on the ability of RNA to bind to a specific surface in the presence of chaotropic salts, are one of the most available kits on the market, in addition to provide RNA with high quality and purity.
César Alejandro Díaz Cano was born in Santiago de Queretaro (Queretaro, Mexico) in 1994. He studied Nanotechnology Technician at the University Technology of Queretaro (UTEQ) and the Nanotechnology Engineering at the University Technology of Tulancingo (UTEC), receiving his degree in 2014 that of the Technician and 2016 Engineering respectively. He is currently do his Master in Science (Nanotechnology) at University Autonm of Queretaro.