Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics

Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics
Open Access

ISSN: 0974-276X

Development of a graph-based data structure for a secondary storage, handling and querying data analysis tool for differential proteomics in xanthomonas axonopodis

2nd International Conference on Proteomics & Bioinformatics

July 2-4, 2012 Embassy Suites Las Vegas, USA

Marcus Rogerio de Oliveira

Accepted Abstracts: J Proteomics Bioinform

Abstract :

The Citrus Canker is a citrus disease caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas Axonopodis pv. Citri and can be spread by humans or by the action of nature and its lesions are found in fruits, leaves and branches. In Brazil, its first effect was observed and reported in 1957. The differential proteomic analysis of three strains of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas Axonopodis (Xa) and the detection of target proteins of biotechnological interest related to the infectious process in citrus aims to identify proteins that are differentially expressed in vitro and in vivo between the strains Xac-A (pathovar citri), Xaa-B and Xaa-C (pathovars aurantifolli) causing citrus canker and cancroses B and C. The separation of proteins in the cell and cell sub fractions was achieved by 2D-PAGE and 2D-DIGE. Differentially expressed proteins were identified by N-terminal sequencing, mass spectrometry and analysis of results by searching in databases. The data generated by this proteomic project needed a particular structure and organization for the creation of dynamically relationships and associations between them. These characteristics converged to a solution based on graphs that exceeded the limit size of main memory storage requiring secondary memory storage. The approach taken as a strategy for handling large graphs was the use of a technique for partitioning the graph and creating an access index in the secondary memory. The elements of the graph should be grouped according to some criterion around a central element so that the central element could be the representative of the group. The use of a core element equidistant from all other members of the group by a distance D calculated by a function F means that only the core central elements need to be frequently transferred between main memory and disk during searches. The distance D can be obtained by applying a function predetermined by one or more characteristics that can be extracted from the elements in the graph.

Biography :

Oliveira, Marcus Rogerio is a PhD student from Federal University of São Carlos. He is Professor in the São Paulo State Faculty of Technology and has worked with Databases since 1994. His Master Science degree was obtained at São Paulo University (USP).
