Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Double intussusception (ileocolocolic) with mobile cecum and ascending colon

JOINT EVENT on 11th International Conference on Clinical Pediatrics & 2nd International Conference on Pediatric Surgery

June 29- July 01, 2017 London, UK

Biniam Ayele Berkie

Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediatr Ther

Abstract :

Intussusception refers to telescoping of one portion of proximal gut to another distal part with further motion of the intussusception into the intussusceptions by ongoing peristalsis. The commonest intussusception being ileocolic is about 85 to 90%. Rarely caecocaceo-colic, jejuno-jejunal or even ileo-ileo-colic occurs in a double or three-fold manner. Colo-colic is found more often in parasitic diseases. As far as aetiology is concerned, a mobile ascending colon, malrotation or non-rotation facilitates intussusception. Here we presented a case report of double intussusception of five month old female infant after she is presented with abdominal distension and vomiting of ingested matter of three days, the infant has also intermittent crying since birth especially after breastfeeding. For this, the neonate was admitted and diagnosis is made by abdominal ultrasound and for that the neonate was prepared and explored. The intraoperative finding concluded that baby was having gangrenous ileocolocolic intussusception with transverse colon perforation and about 5 cm of distal ileum, the lumen was extremely narrow when compared with the proximal one with the leading point. And the cecum and ascending colon was mobile. For this we have done end to end ileoascending anastomosis with end to end colocolic anastomosis of the transverse colon and biopsy was sent for histopathology. The patient was followed in the ICU for a week and discharged after improved conditions, so that the details of double intussusception and details of the intraoperative finding can be discussed.

Biography :

Biniam Ayele Berkie graduated from University of Gondar as a Medical Doctor. Currently, he is working as a Physician and Lecturer at Felegehiwot Referral Hospital and Bahir Dar University respectively. He is a 4th year Surgical Resident at Bahir Dar University.

