Virology & Mycology

Virology & Mycology
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0517

Dramatic changes in the development and supply of vaccines for the world

2nd International Conference on Flu

October 31-November 02, 2016 San Francisco, USA

Donald P Francis

Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Virol Mycol

Abstract :

In recent years, there have been dramatic changes in both the supply of existing vaccines and early stage development of new vaccines. There have been shifts that have seen vaccine companies from Brazil, India and China taking larger and larger roles in both the development and production. From the vaccine production/supply side, companies from emerging markets supplied less than 10% of UNICEF purchased vaccines in 1997. That increased to about 50% by 2012. From the vaccine development side, some of these companies have undertaken major projects for the development of new products for diseases as desperate as malaria, dengue, human papilloma virus, influenza and Japanese encephalitis. The movement of these vaccines from early development, to local licensure and then to UNICEF prequalification, bodes well for the health of the world.

Biography :

Donald P Francis has completed his undergraduate studies at the U.C. Berkeley, MD from Northwestern University and Doctor of Science in Virology from Harvard. He has joined CDC in the early 1970s, where he combated smallpox, cholera, Ebola and AIDS. His early work on HIV/AIDS was chronicled in “And the Band Played On” by Randy Shilts. From 1988 to 1992, he was a Special Consultant on AIDS to San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos. After retiring from CDC in 1992 he has worked on HIV vaccines at Genentech, VaxGen and presently a not-for-profit company GSID.

