ISSN: 2168-9784
+44 1300 500008
Hafizur Rahaman
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, India
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Med Diagn Meth
Digital micro-fluidic biochips in recent years have been developed as a major alternative platform for conventional bench-top laboratory procedures. It offers better precision, scalability, higher sensitivity and lower cost due to smaller sample and reagent volumes. One of the challenging problems related to the design of DMFB is high performance droplet routing, where each droplet has single source location and single target location. The objectives are minimizing the number of electrodes used in the DMFB and minimizing the total routing time of all the droplets or last arrival time of a droplet at its target. It needs to be addressed. Testing of DMFBs is of major significance in terms of dependability and reliability issues for safety-critical applications. A series of complex micro-fluidic operations are executed in a compact 2D array within a DMFB. The layout engages a group of cells as transportation path as well as a specific cluster of cells as functional modules to perform basic operations of routing, mixing, splitting, merging, storage and detection. In order to determine, the correctness and reliability of results testing of these prescheduled layout are necessary both for transportation (structural) as well as functionality (functional). This issue will be addressed.