International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-9096

+44 1300 500008

Edemas caused by different kinds of angiological problems and their treatment

3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

May 18-20, 2015 San Antonio, USA

Yvonne Eschke

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Int J Phys Med Rehabil

Abstract :

In addition to the blood circulation the lymphatic system transports liquids from the interstitial tissue into the blood vessels and supports and backs up the veins in transporting liquids from peripheral to central regions. According to Starlingā??s hypothesis, there should be an equilibrium in microcirculation between filtration and reabsorption. But in orthostasis and in tissues like musculature and skin for example the reabsorption is entirely done by the initial lymphatic vessels. The liquids have to pass the lymphatics on their way into the veins. This is another key function of the lymphatic system apart from the well known cardinal function of protein transport. The lymphatics have to compensate what the veins cannot cope (in physiologic as in pathologic situations). If this capacity is exceeded a swelling because of a high-volume insufficiency as well as a combined insufficiency appears in the tissue. In case of a combined insufficiency, stimulating the activity of the lymph vessels can therefore accelerate the healing of wounds and inflammatory processes which are accompanied by a protein rich edema. This acceleration is reached by CDT. Complex Decongestive Therapy combines manual lymphatic drainage with skin care, compression with decongestive lymphatic bandage and physical exercise.The Manual lymphatic drainage and compression is not only used to treat primary and secondary lymph edemas but also the widespread edemas of inactivity and immobilization, the post surgery and post traumatic edemas even in sportphysiotherapy, and the phlebological edemas. The possible results of therapy can be shown in several case reports.The description of the pathophysiology is followed by a demonstration of the very soft strokes of Manual lymphatic drainage (Vodder Method) and by the demonstration of the essential multi-layer bandaging. The special padding underneath the short-stretch bandages protects the skin and avoids also minimal strangulations not to constrict the flow of interstitial fluid within the superficial tissue channels.

Biography :

Yvonne Eschke is a Physiotherapist since 1996. She completed the Secondary School of Physiotherapy, School Association Wannsee in Berlin (Germany). In 2008 she completed the education for teacher of Manual Lymphatic Drainage/ CDT at Lymphologic med. Weiterbildung in Aschaffenburg and in Leipzig (Germany). Since 17 years she is working at Praxis Aue in Hamburg (Germany) and since seven years she is teaching in various cities in Germany and giving lectures and workshops in conferences in Brazil, Spain and Austria. Since November 2013 she is studying at Thim International Hoge School voorFysiotherapie in Utrecht (Netherlands).
