Effect of bariatric surgery on patients with PCOS | 19040
Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome

Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1017

+44 1478 350008

Effect of bariatric surgery on patients with PCOS

3rd World Congress on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

November 15-17, 2017 | San Antonio, USA

Muhammad A Jawad

Orlando Regional Medical Center, USA

Keynote: Endocrinol Metab Syndr

Abstract :

PCOS patients are associated with obesity in 30-70 %, and most of this is central obesity with associated metabolic syndrome. This is associated with hyper-insulinemia, increased insulin resistance, decreased production of sex-binding globulin by the liver, resulting in increased circulating androgen with its effect on the patient of amenorrhea, hirsutism, anovulation and infertility. Weight loss with diet and life style changes was associated with dismal results in morbidly obese patients, while bariatric surgery has shown to produce long-lasting weight loss in more than 85% of patients. It has been noticed that bariatric surgery resulted in improving infertility, ovulation and hirsutism in patients with PCOS. Surgical option should be offered to the patient with PCOS with morbid obesity when counseling these patients.

Biography :

Muhammad A. Jawad, MD, is board certified through the American Board of Surgery and serves as the medical director of Orlando Regional Medical Center’s Bariatric Program. Dr. Jawad has been an expert in laparoscopic surgery since 1989, where he has been performing complicated biliary, colon and endocrine surgery. Serving as an expert in the laparoscopic field and performing bariatric surgery since 1984, he has performed more than 4,000 laparoscopic bariatric surgical cases since 2000, safely and with great success. He specializes in the laparoscopic gastric bypass, the adjustable Lap-Band, and sleeve gastrectomy procedures. He has presented more than 45 presentations both nationally and internationally on laparoscopic and bariatric surgery.
