ISSN: 0974-276X
Camila Peres-Buzalaf, Cl�udia AyumiNakaiKobayashi, Juliane Guimar�es Carvalho, Aline Lima Leite, LucasFerreira de Almeida, Walter L. Siqueira and Mar�lia Afonso Rabelo Buzalaf
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Proteomics Bioinform
A/J and 129P3/J mouse strains have different susceptibilities to dental fluorosis due to their genetic backgrounds. They also present differential bone mechanical responses to fluoride (F). However, the molecular mechanisms involved in this response are still unknown. In this study,we sought to determine the profile of protein expression in bone of both strains after chronic exposition to F.For that, A/J mice (susceptible, n=24) and 129P3/J mice (resistant, n=24) were assigned to 3 groups given low-F food and water containing 0, 10 or 50 ppmF for 8 weeks. Bone proteins were extracted with guanidine-HCl/EDTA and proteome was examined using Nanoflow HPLC/MS/MS system, followed by label-free semi-quantitative differential expression analysis. Nine comparisons were performed and differential expression was significant when 0.5â�¤ratioâ�¥1.5. In 129P3/J strain, quantitative intensity analysis detected 1316, 1391 and 1196 proteins differently expressed in 0, 10 and 50ppmF groups, respectively while in A/J strain, 1455, 1369 and 1437 were found. Between strains A/J and 129P3/J 1449, 1321 and 644 spots were differentially expressed in the groups receiving 0, 10 and 50 ppmF, respectively. From each comparison, 46, 164, 6, 42, 25, 18, 217, 23 and 6, respectively, were identified and classified according to functional categories and cellular localization. Most of the proteins are intracellular and related to cellular process and its regulation.From those, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3 precursor (PERK-eIF2�±-ATF4 signaling), phosphatidylinositol_3_4_5_trisphosphate 5_phosphatase 1, NADPH oxidase 4and collagen Iwere found to be related to cellular process in bone. Such proteins might provide a potential target forF to alter bone biology.
Camila Peres Buzalaf is graduated in Biomedicine from UniversidadeEstadualPaulista (UNESP), Botucatu, Brazil. She has completed her PhD in Immunology from Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo (USP), and nowadays is postdoc fellow in the Laboratory of Biochemistryat Bauru Dental School, USP. Dr. Peres-Buzalaf has 15 published papers and another 4 under review. She has most recently focused her interest towards the areas of bone biologyand proteome.