ISSN: 2157-7013
+44 1300 500008
Hui Zhao, Jie Liu and Xiaojian Li
Fudan University, China
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cell Sci Ther
Previously, it was characterized that acute stress could be age-dependently relieved by trans-synaptic IGF-1R and Fyn activation in prefrontal cortex. In this study, we revealed that HPA axis could be activated by predator stimulation stress, which featured by release of CRH, ACTH and glucocorticoids, as well as GR nucleus translocation, with higher magnitude in 3-month rats than 3-week subjects, EA stimulation was able to reverse above responses. Specifically, EA provoked distinctive cross-link between neurexin-1�² and neuroligin-1 in prefrontal cortex in two groups of rats, by which strengthened more neuron-astrocyte communication within synaptoneurosome in 3-week rats than 3-month one. Moreover, compared with 3-month rats, long 3�´UTR BDNF mRNA specifically undergoes robust translational activation after EA stimulation in 3-week counterparts, which precisely control the signal convey from prefrontal cortex to hypothalamus, and served as a primary age-dependent suppression for HPA axis response. Such regulation may have important implications in adult neuronal development and synaptic plasticity in minimizing stress like events, and potentially prevented from heightened damage to brain functions.