ISSN: 2157-7048
Majeda Khraisheh, Fares Al Momani, Alaa Hawari, Raoul Bhosale and Anad Kumar
Qatar University, Qatar
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Chem Eng Process Technol
Management and treatment of produced water still represent a challenge and have cost implications to the oil and gas companies. The area of produced water deserves further research and study. According to statistics, 3 barrels of associated water are produced for each oil barrel bringing the produced water production globally of around 250 million barrels per day; water to oil ratio that is expected to worsen with aging reservoirs. Furthermore, it is well known that Qatar is one of the poorer and most water stressed countries in the world with relatively very limited freshwater resources. In addition, the vast hydrocarbon industry (oil, gas and petrochemicals) production demands the use of water in the industrial processes putting further emphasis on water use and resources and making treatment strategies for the produced water of relevant value. Recently, attention has been given to electrocoagulation as a way of treating water especially with respect to the shale oil production in the USA. Effective treatment or re-use of PW can help in mitigating the effects of scarcity of freshwater especially in arid areas like Qatar, which relies fully in desalination of seawater for its freshwater use. The project aims to investigate and assess the potential of the electrocoagulation as a viable option for the treatment of Qatari oil and gas produced water with respect to a number of major experimental conditions. The feasibility of creating a multistage treatment options tailor-made for the Qatari oil and gas-produced water will be investigated in order to lower the environmental impact of such industries on the sources of fresh water and help achieve the zero discharge aims set in Qatar.