Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access

Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0501


Endogenous Lebanese plants treating diabetes and related complications

International Conference on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products

October 21-23, 2013 Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Hyderabad, India

K. Raafat, R. Boukhary, M. Aboul-Ela and A. El-Lakany

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Biochem & Pharmacol

Abstract :

Diabetes mellitus and its related complications is becoming a serious threat to public health in all parts of the world. The treatment and control of diabetes mainly depend on the synthetic agents, but the fact is that it has never reported, total recovery from diabetes. Natural medicines mainly originated in herbs, the traditional Lebanese medicine performed a good experimental practice and is showing a bright future in the therapy of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Based on a large number of ethnopharmacological research work, numerous bioactive compounds have been found in Lebanese medicinal plants for diabetes. The present work presents three natural medicines with regards to their anti-diabetic active principles and/ or pharmacological test results, which are commonly used in the traditional Lebanese medical system and have demonstrated experimental anti-diabetic effectiveness. It is strongly significant to pay attention to traditional Lebanese natural medicines for treatment and control of diabetes mellitus and its complications.

Biography :

K. Raafat has completed his Ph.D. at the age of 28 years from German University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt, under the channel system and joint supervision scheme between The German University in Cairo (GUC) and Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany and postdoctoral studies from Beirut Arab University (BAU) and German University in Cairo. He is a visiting scientist at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany. He is the Head of Phytochemistry Research Team and Junior Research Team, BAU, Lebanon. He has published eighteen peer reviewed journal articles and presentations in scientific conferences. Honored several national and international awards in the field of Pharmacognosy and Public Service.
