ISSN: 2157-7013
+44 1300 500008
Ramsey A. Foty
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cell Sci Ther
Th e construction of multi-layered, multi-functional ?organoids? for implantation is an important goal for tissue engineering. Achievement of this goal would be greatly facilitated by the development of a simple set of rules defi ning the spatial relationships established between groups of cells as they interact in three-dimensional space. Th e practical application of principles underlying embryonic development to tissue engineering is of fundamental importance to this process. We have previously demonstrated that embryonic tissues share common properties with viscoelastic fl uids and that embryos use these properties to self-assemble into complex three- dimensional structures. We have developed a simple set of rules describing this self-assembly behavior based on the premise that embryos mimic the behavior of immiscible fl uids and that the spatial relationships adopted by diff erent tissues arise as a consequence of diff erential adhesion, measured as tissue surface tension (TST). We have applied the concept of tissue fl uidity to demonstrate that (1) TST can be used to predict and control the spatial relationship between diff erent embryonic tissues and also between ge netically engineered cells, (2) competition between cell-cell and cell-subst ratum adhesion can strongly infl uence the ability of tissues to interact with biomaterials such as co-polymers of DTE and PEG, and (3) a tissue?s liquid properties can be altered not only through direct manipulation of cadherin-based intercellular cohesion but also by manipulation of key ECM molecules such as fi bronectin. Collectively, our data strongly suggest that the princi ples underlying tissue liquidity can be eff ectively applied in tissue engineering. Application of these prin ciples will make the engineering process more predictable and controllable and will facilitate the rational design of multifunctional organoids that can be either implanted into or ?home? to a specifi c site of the body.