Journal of Cell Science & Therapy

Journal of Cell Science & Therapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2157-7013

+44 1300 500008

Enhanced in vivo angiogenic activity of FGF-2 by a [polycation:heparin] complex

International Conference & Exhibition on Cell Science & Stem Cell Research

29 Nov - 1 Dec 2011 Philadelphia Airport Marriott, USA

Yadong Wang

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cell Sci Ther

Abstract :

Introduction: Growth factors regulate essential cell functions including survival, self renewal, diff erentiation and proliferation and hold great potential for regenerative medicine. However, their limited half life compromises the clinical utility signifi cantly. A suitable delivery vehicle can greatly increase the effi ciency and effi cacy of growth factor therapy. Heparin, a highly sulfated polysaccharide, has strong affi nity to various growth factors. In order to maintain its native property and function, we used a polycation to interact with heparin electrostatically without any covalent modifi cation to heparin. 1 We demonstrated high angiogenic effi cacy of FGF-2 delivery using this strategy in vivo . Materials and Methods: A biocompatible polycation, poly(ethylene argininylaspartate diglyceride) (PEAD), self assembled with heparin and FGF-2 to form a coacervate - [PEAD:heparin:FGF-2]. Prior in vitro studies demonstrated that [PEAD:heparin] complexcould encapsulate FGF-2 effi ciently, control its release and maintain its bioactivity. 2 Here, saline, [PEAD:heparin], bolus FGF-2 (500 ng) or [P EAD:heparin:FGF-2] (500 ng FGF-2) was injected subcutaneously in the back of BALB/cJ mice. 1, 2 or 4 weeks post-injection, the animals were sacrifi ced. Th e tissues at the injection sites and the contralateral sites were harvested for hemoglobin quantifi cation and immunohistological analysis to determine the extent of angiogenesis. Discussion and Conclusions: Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that [PEAD:heparin] coacervate is an excellent vehicle that greatly increases the angiogenic activity of FGF-2 over bolus injection. We are currently investigating the effi cacy of this delivery platform in several disease models in an eff ort to translate this clinically

Biography :

Yadong Wang is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He earned his PhD from Stanford University as a Veatch Fellow in 1999. He fi nished his postdoctoral training at MIT in 2002. His interests include bio-inspired materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. His laboratory works at the interface of chemistry, materials science, and medicine. Dr. Wang?s team applies minimalistic biomimetic strategies to biomaterials design and explores means to translate cutting-edge materials innovations into clinical bene fi ts. He has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles in journals including Science, Nature Biotechnology, and PNAS
