ISSN: 2090-4541
+44 1300 500008
Expedito Jose de Sa Parente Jr
Federal University of Cear�¡, Brazil
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl
The persistence of visionary efforts in academia, private and public sectors, and favorable changes in the socioeconomic, political and energy environment have resulted in the Brazilian biodiesel industry, which has completed a decade recently, with attributes that give pride to all those who contribute on it. Some numbers: Brazil is the second largest producer in the world (3.9 billion liters in 2015). At an average growth rate of 22.6% per year since 2008, is one of the fastest growing industries in the country, with revenues of US$ 2.7 billion in 2015. The biodiesel production reduced by 30% the diesel oil imports in 2014, saving almost US$ 900 MM. Due to the strong growth of vegetable protein demand in recent years and the moderate growth of vegetable oil demand, the biodiesel industry had a role on balancing vegetable oil offer in Brazil. About 20% of total biodiesel feedstock comes from animal fats. Such market generated a value add of more than US$ 300 MM from a traditional waste material. From 2005 to March 2016, the emission of 41 million tons of CO2eq was avoided by replacing fossil fuels for biodiesel, equivalent to planting 300 million trees. Scientific studies estimate that, just in the city of S�£o Paulo, the increase from mandatory B5 to B7 will avoid 1,200 deaths and 7,300 hospitalizations caused by diseases associated with air pollution, generating an economic gain of about US$ 80 MM to the municipality in 10 years. In 2015, US$ 1 billion, or 28% of the total volume of purchase of raw material came from family agriculture, with more than 70000 families benefited. With a stimulating tax system, the cost of biodiesel is cheaper than the cost of diesel oil in almost half of the Brazilian territory. Studies have still shown that, if the Brazilian incentives offered to biodiesel industry were added to the Federal budget, the positive impact on GDP and job creation would be 15 and 13 times lower, respectively. The increase in the content of the mandatory mixture provided for by the recent legislation; The expected growth of diesel oil demand in the country in the coming years; a scenario of increasing import of diesel oil; the projections of higher relative supply of soybean oil; the environmental commitments assumed at COP 21 suggest the continuation of a strong expansion of this industry in the coming years, increasing the benefits it brings to society.