ISSN: 2161-1149 (Printed)
Elham Sageghzadeh, Khalvat A, Rostamian A, Movaseghi SH, Najafizadeh R and Labibi A
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Rheumatology & Orthopedics
Volume 2, Issue 3 - 85 Rheumatology ISSN: 2161-1149 Rheumatology, an open access journal Orthopedics & Rheumatology-2012 August 13-15, 2012 International Conference and Exhibition on Orthopedics & Rheumatology August 13-15, 2012 Hilton Chicago/Northbrook, USA Objectives: To identify the epidemiological profile of Rheumatic diseases in the Hospitalized patients of rheumatology ward in Imam Khomeini hospital. Material & Methods: All patients admitted to the Rheumatology Ward between 2007 to 2012, were enrolled in the study .1630 computerized files were reviewed and 140 files were eliminated which readmitted twice. Results: A total of 1490 patients, the prevalence of Rheumatic diseases are as flowing : RA 26.2%, SLE 13.2 %, SCL 5.9%, Vasculit 5.9 %, AS 3.2% & Other Spondyloarthropathy 7.3%, DM-PM 3.6 %, MCTD & Overlap 3.2%, Behcat 1.4%, Gout 1.8% & Other Arthritis 5.3 %, JRA 1.1 %, APS 1%, OA 2.4 %, Still 0.9%, Sarcoidosis 0.7 %,OP 1.1 %, RF 0.4%, LBP 0.8%, Prearthritis 0.3%, Fibromyalgia 0.4%, AVN 0.1%. Also 10% of total patients who admitted with rheumatic symptoms, were diagnosed as Nonrheumatic diseases and referred to other wards Conclusion: Our survey mentions that the most figures of patients in rheumatic ward in referral hospital, specified to Inflammatory diseases specially RA, SLE & SCL; conversely to degenerative joint diseases such OA, LBP, Prearthritis that were estimated the lowest rate. In comparison whit COPCORD study which had been down 3years ago,the results approximately have been reported in reverse. So suggest that another Comprehensive study should design in personal offices & clinics about prevalence of Rheumatic diseases and these studies compare with each other to introduce the correct sight of epidemiological profile of Rheumatic diseases . Also can suggest that medical curriculum should schedule considering the category training (fellowships, residents & Interns ) with emphasis on prevalence diseases in wards & clinics