Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Epilepsy and sleep disturbance in developmental disorders

5th International Conference on Pediatric Nursing & Healthcare

July 11-12, 2016 Cologne, Germany

Eiji Nakagawa

National Center Hospital-NCNP, Japan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pediat Therapeut

Abstract :

Objectives: In pharmacotherapy for developmental disorders, not only anti-psychotic drugs, a combination of anti-epileptic drugs have an effect for sleep disturbance. Evidence of sleep disturbance in developmental disorders associated with abnormal EEG has not been established. We evaluated the EEG abnormalities and usefulness of anti-epileptic drugs for sleep disturbance in developmental disorders. Methods: A total of 202 children (146 males, 46 females, mean 12.7 years) were included in this study. EEG had been recorded every 6 months under sleep conditions. We examined the therapeutic effect of behavioral and psychiatric improvement and sleep disturbance. Results: EEG abnormalities were present in 76.7%, sleep disturbance was complicated in 33.3% of whole; 41.4% in autism spectrum disorders and 16.4% in attention deficit hyperactivity disorders respectively. Epilepsy was present in 53.3%. Almost patients showed EEG abnormalities on frontal areas. Although, there is no statistical difference in the effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs or anti-epileptic drugs, all patients showed improvement. Conclusions: Anti-epileptic drug is effective for sleep disturbance in developmental disorders who showed EEG abnormalities. In cases of EEG abnormalities, anti-epileptic drugs may be an alternative treatment for sleep disturbance in developmental disorders.

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