ISSN: 2168-9792
Shuh Jing Ying
University of South Florida, USA
Keynote: J Aeronaut Aerospace
Science and technology are always progressing, now it is the era of robotics. Many robots are needed, for example, robots for test pilots, for firemen, for police, for soldiers in war, for the maid in the home and for companionship with seniors. A robot is a multidisciplinary product; the major disciplines involved are mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and medical science. Some details are given in the presentation. Present status is reviewed, many needed robots are not available, but research is progressing approaching them, for example, robot for test pilot is not existing yet but unmanned airplane is available, robot for fireman is not existing either but drones can be built to fly or to drive through small spaces to look for trapped people. More details will be given in the presentation. To improve the present status a few suggestions are made in this paper so it may make people think over for further research work. Many projects are in the development stage, so there are lots of works to be done. We have lots of work to do.
Shuh Jing Ying was born in the city of Shao-Hing, China in 1930. He attended always the best school in the city. At the age of 16, he graduated from Provincial Shao-Hing High School. Because of the World War II, he like to be in military service, so he entered the Chinese Air Force Technology Institute and graduated with the rank of number 3 in the class of 50 students. He served 4 years in the Engine Overhaul Factory in Taiwan China as a Lieutenant and then he entered National Cheng-Kung University, majored in mechanical engineering. he graduated with the number 1 student in the class of 85 students. He came to USA in 1958 and completed MSc at Brown University and PhD at Harvard University in 1966. He received Outstanding Faculty Award in 1975, Engineer of Year Award in 1985, elected as Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1995 and published a textbook ‘Advanced Dynamics’ in 1997. He retired in the year of 2000 and earned a title of Emeritus Professor. Because he likes to serve this country and this world, so he is still working with a part-time job in the University of South Florida.