ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Edwin David Benher and Palanichamy Mehalingam
Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars' Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous), India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants
Diabetes is an important and very common disorder among the human beings that are associated with high blood sugar levels which often leads severe complications to the human body. It can also bring serious consequences including death. The main aim of the present study was to document the indigenous knowledge on the usage of medicinal plants to cure diabetes. In the present study, a total of 44 species of plants belonging to 15 families were documented. As far as plant part utility is concerned, leaves are commonly used, followed by bark, whole plant, seeds etc. The formulations are prepared mostly in the form of juice followed by decoction, powder and paste prepared from raw plant parts. To make better acceptability of herbal remedies that are taken orally and additives are not taken internally. The data collected from this study will be useful to the researchers, pharmaceutical companies to discover a novel drug to cure diabetes.
Edwin David Benher is currently working as an Associate Professor and Head of Research Department of Zoology, Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars’ Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous) in India since 1988. He has published more than 5 research papers in national and international peer reviewed journals. He has participated and presented his research papers in many national conferences held in India.