ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Sergio Andres Cabrera Navarro, Angelica Piedad Sandoval Aldana and Freddy Forero Longas
Universidad del Tolima, Colombia
Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation, Colombia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants
Colombia is one of the countries with the greatest diversity of Passifloraceae with 170 species, both wild and cultivated forms; the majority of these are marketed fresh for its pleasant taste. Studies have shown the medicinal properties of the genus Passiflora, mainly finding that the herbal parts (leaves and flowers) of this genus possess highly effective bioactive and pharmacological properties. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the antioxidant activity and the content of total flavonoids in Passiflora ligularis, Passiflora maliformis and edulis var. flavicarpa form. Antioxidant determination was carried out by the free radical scavenging DPPH methodology, expressing the results in terms of the minimum inhibitory concentration IC50 capable of showing minimum content, which reduces 50% the incidence of radicals. The results showed that the herbal extracts (leaves and flowers) Granadilla Cholupa and passion fruit, possess antioxidant activity, mainly finding the lowest inhibitory concentration in aqueous extracts of Granadilla�s leaves 1.88 mg/ml, while the extracts obtained with water from Cholupa and Maracuya leaves, did not demonstrate to possess sufficient ability to inhibit free radical scavenging activity IC 50. Leaf extracts obtained both Cholupa and Maracuya leaves, showed that increasing the percentage of ethanol (35 and 70%) during the extraction process, the minimum inhibitory concentrations IC50 decreased proportionally, showing that ethanol allows more efficient concentrations and more antioxidant potential. The study was also able to determine higher concentrations of total alkaloids by using extracts with 70% ethanol, mainly found in Cholupa�s leaves high contents of alkaloids, this represents 4.73 mg Eq Harmin /g dry matter. Similarly in extract leaves obtained with 70% ethanol, higher levels of total flavonoids were shown; registering higher contents by using Maracuya with values reached 15.44 mg Routine Eq / g dry matter.