Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Expanding spectrum of Parvovirus B19 in pediatric infections: What is more than fifth s disease

International Conference and Exhibition on Pediatric Oncology and Clinical Pediatrics

August 11-13, 2016 Toronto, Canada

Janak Kishore

Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediat Therapeut

Abstract :

Fifth disease or Erythema infectiosum (EI) in children was known prior to its discovery of B19 in 1974 but only after 7 yrs later disease causation by B19 were first recognized as TAC (1981) then arthropathy (1983) and non-immune hydrops fetalis (1987). Since then clinical spectrum of B19 infections were found increasingly hence we developed diagnostic tools for B19 (ELISA, PCR) and determined its seroprevalence (39.9%) in 1000 blood-donors. We reported novel, unique cases of pure acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia in a 9 mo male and another case of myositis in 9 yr female as a complication of EI supported later by other investigators. Again cases of thrombocytopenia and anemia in a child with fulminant hepatitis due to B19 infection and a fatal case of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis induced by B19 and EBV in a 2 mo male infant were reported. Major studies included juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy (fulfilling ARA criteria) in 82 children and B19 infection was found in 27%. Foetal wastage in recurrent aborters and in high risk pregnant women (n=60) revealed high proportions with B19 infection. Multi-transfused beta-thalassemia major (n=92) children (mean age 8 yrs) had high frequency of anti-B19 IgM (41.1%) antibodies. In 29 pediatric leukemia (mostly ALL) we reported prolonged induction therapy, persistent anemia while mortality was 17% in B19 infected group but nil in uninfected group indicating B19 may be naturally Oncolytic further prolonged remission in a child with CLL and another with CML ratified our clinical observations. Now several reports on pediatric B19 infections have cumulated to signify big role of B19 virus but unfortunately B19 infections are largely ignored.

Biography :

Janak Kishore graduated in Medicine and obtained MD (Microbiology) in 1985. Currently he is Professor and Chief of Serology, Clinical & Molecular Virology, Department of Microbiology. He is an Associate Editor of Indian J Virol, elected member of National Academy Medical Sciences, member of American Societies and got JICA fellowship, Japan. He taught for 34 years and published 51 papers. He obtained pioneer work on human parvovirus B19 with three novel clinical associations besides reporting “Oncolytic” property of B19 which fetched awards. He is a reviewer for international journals, chaired sessions, invited speaker at international conferences (USA, Canada, Japan, UK and China).

