Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology

Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology
Open Access

ISSN: 2157-7048


Experimental planning for optimizing the hydrolysis glucomannan from a. Konjac k. Koch plants in vietnam by bacteria bacillus subtilis

8th World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics

June 28-29, 2018 | Berlin, Germany

Do Truong

Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Viet Nam

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Chem Eng Process Technol

Abstract :

The tubers of Amorphophallus sp.â�� Araceae family have been used as a food source and as a traditional Vietnamese medicine in Vietnam for a long time, but research on cultivation and processing technique has only been paid attentions recently.The Araceae famlily is represented by around 135 species belonging to 24 genera. Among them, 28 species in 15 genera are traditionally used for medicine, 19 species in 9 genera have ornamental value, and 9 species in 4 genera are processed to eat in the countryside families.These species in Vietnam have potiental economic value and should be cultivated for food and pharmaceutical purposes. In order to increase the solubility of glucomannan, the glucomannan hydrolysis to obtain glucomannan with smaller molecular weights attracts the attention of many scientists. With the aim to separate glucozit link in glucomannan obtained from Konjac tubers in Vietnam, we used bacilus subtilis extract. The conditions of the reaction were studied simultaneously with Box-Behnken's second-order experimental model. Design Expert 7.0 software performed ANOVA, surface response methods were used to optimize reaction conditions such as pH, temperature, reaction time, and concentration of E/S. Experimental results showed that the optimum conditions for reaction is at temperature = 38.8 �° C, time = 5.8 h, pH = 5.1, E/S = 0.402. The oligo glucomannan obtained after hydrolysis weighs less than 1700Da.
