Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

Feasibility and performances of thermostatic biogas digester heated by solar thermal collector in Northwest of China

Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Biomass

August 08-09, 2016 Birmingham, UK

Xiaofei Zhen

Lanzhou University of Technology, China
Key Laboratory of Complementary Energy System of Biomass and Solar Energy, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Key Technology for Northwest Low-Carbon Urbanization, China

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl

Abstract :

The application of biogas production technology encounters great challenge in Northwest of China. Low ambient temperature leads to low anaerobic fermentation temperature, low biogas production rate, instability of biogas plant, and so on. Therefore, solar thermal energy was introduced to heat the biogas digester and two same thermostatic biogas digesters heated by solar water heater were developed and tested in winters of 2013 and 2014 in Gaolan County and Minqin County respectively. The thermostatic biogas digester was mainly comprised of 3 m3 fermentation tank, solar water heater with 30 pieces of 58�?�?1800 evacuated glass tubes, and automatic temperature controller. The tests prove that, it is a feasible way of thermostatic biogas production with the heating absorbed by evacuated glass tubes. The heat from solar water heater can easily make sure that the biogas digester works at 260C even when the ambient temperature is below -23.80C. As a result, 1.38 m3 biogas is produced every day and the volume fraction of methane is usually over 54.7% with different fermentation raw material. Daily biogas production could meet the cooking energy demand for families with 4-5 people. When the intensity of solar radiation is over 15.3 MJ/m2, it is feasible for 1 m3 biogas digester to run steadily with 10 pieces of 58�?�?1800 evacuated glass tubes, which means it is suitable for most Northwest regions of China. Besides, as a living fuel, biogas can save 730 kg standard coal and 1095 RMB per year for a family.

Biography :

Xiaofei Zhen has completed his Bachelor’s degree from Lanzhou University of Technology, China. Now, he is working for his PhD and has published more than 2 papers in reputed journals. Besides, he is a member of the China Northwestern Collaborative Innovation Center of Low-carbon Urbanization Technologies.

