First molecular characterization of Candida africana in Algeria | 7602
Virology & Mycology

Virology & Mycology
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0517

+44 1223 790975

First molecular characterization of Candida africana in Algeria

International Conference on Mycology & Mushrooms

September 12-14, 2016 San Antonio, USA

Boubekeur Racha, Abdelouahed Khaled, Adjmi Hamoudi Haiet, Belaid Yasmine, Lazri Lamine, Dahlouk Djazia, Benhafsa Linda, Cherfi Lyes, Sahraoui Mohsen, Bachi Fatma, Bacha Djafar and Chaibi Rachid

Mycology Service Central Army, Algeria
Hospital Dental Service Central Army, Algeria
Pediatric Hospital Central Service of the Army, Algeria
Central Hospital of the Army, Algeria
Hospital Medical and Surgical ICU Central Army, Al

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Virol Mycol

Abstract :

Introduction: Candida albicans is the most isolated yeast biological samples and is associated with a wide clinical spectrum. It is now accepted that this organism is part of a complex with phenotypic and genotypic differences. We describe this work in the first optimization of PCR in Algeria for the characterization of complex albicans and the results found, at the Parasitology- Mycology Laboratory of the central army hospital in Algiers in 55 patients different services. Material & Methods: Candida dubliniensis very close to Candida albicans (chlamydosporulation) is identified in 1995 by molecular biological techniques and associated with oropharyngeal candidiasis in patients infected with HIV. Atypical strains of C. albicans (without chlamydosporulation) different Candida dubliniensis is marked from 2001, as the cause of vaginitis in Italian patients, African, German and Spanish. These strains were later identified as the species C. africana. The first method for the specific molecular species discrimination of complex C. albicans using a single pair of primers targeting the Hwp 1 gene encoding a surface protein (wall), by PCR. The amplified DNA fragments show a specific band at 1000 bp for C. albicans, 700 bp for C. africana and 569 bp for C. dubliniensis. We develop molecular technique in our laboratory, in order to identify the complex C. albicans. The results obtained are compared to phenotyping. Result: Twenty mouth swabs: 6 14 C. dubliniensis and C. albicans; 30 vaginal swabs, 20 C. albicans and C. africana 2; 4 C. albicans blood cultures. For a patient blood culture and CSF show the presence of C. africana mouth swab and urine combination C. albicans and C. africana.

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