ISSN: 2161-0487
+44 1478 350008
Flicky Gildenhuys
Ixande Recovery from
Addiction - Drug & Alcohol Rehab &
Addiction Treatment Center,
South Africa
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother
The recent addition of gambling disorder to the ??DSM-5? brings focus on the historic trend to treat problem gambling generically along with other addictions, such as substance abuse. Whilst the diagnostic criteria indicate many commonalties with other addictions, certain treatment methods have been shown to be more helpful than others. Beginning with several useful diagnostic assessments, this presentation will then suggest a comprehensive in-patient, as well as out-patient treatment Programme.
Flicky Gildenhuys is the Director of Ixande in patient treatment facility in Cape Town, South Africa. She has completed Honours in Clinical Social Work Substance Abuse at the University of Cape Town. Her facility attracts clients from all over the world, particularly with regards to process addictions like gambling and sex addiction.