ISSN: 2375-4427
Krishan Ramdoo, B Maden, A Singh and T Tatla
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids
Objective: The ageing population has led to increasing numbers (approximately 330,000) of older people residing in care homes
across England; estimates suggest 75% of them could have a hearing loss. This study aims to illustrate the current prevalence of
undiagnosed hearing loss in a typical elderly care home and evaluate the feasibility of opportunistic screening of hearing loss in the
Method: Subjects over the age of 65 years were recruited from three nursing homes. A validated subjective bed-side hearing screen
(whisper test) was performed to identify individuals with hearing impairment. Subjects who failed or self-reported hearing difficulties
were offered gold standard audiological assessment, pure tone audiometry.
Results: Hearing screening was performed on 56 patients, 20 (36%) of those self-reported hearing loss, 22 (39%) failed the screening
whisper test. All (n=42) were referred for audiological assessment, of whom 5 declined and 11 were unable to engage in audiometric
assessment. 62% had aidable hearing loss and were referred for hearing aids. This identified a screen:aid ratio of 2:1.
Conclusion: This pilot highlights a high incidence of undiagnosed hearing loss in elderly patient residents in a typical care home. The
results suggest consideration should be given for a screening program to help address this unmet need as part of a portable toolkit
utilizing our audiology team in the community. The team involved is currently developing this patented toolkit.
Krishan Ramdoo is working as an Ear, Nose and Throat Research Registrar in North West London Hospital Trust. Having completed his core surgical training in London,
he has pursued his interest in research and is currently undertaking an MD at UCL alongside his clinical duties. His particular area of interest is screening for hearing loss
and detection at an early stage and well as product development to enable this. He has written a number of research papers on the topic and presented both nationally
and internationally.