Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0412

+44 1300 500008

Herbal medicinal plants used in ethno-veterinary practices in North Canara district of Karnataka

3RD WORLD CONGRESS ON Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Research


S S Hiremath

KMF Training Centre Rayapur, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Medicinal Plants

Abstract :

This study was conducted in North Canara district of Karnataka state in India. Ayurveda is a medical system primarily practiced in India that has been known for nearly 5,000 years. Herbal medicinal plants usage practices concern to animal health care is as old as the domestication of various livestock. The study reports that the surveyed list of herbal medicinal plants that are commonly available and used by local co-operative dairy farmers. During the study and field oriented semi-research information about ethno-veterinary herbal medicinal plants was obtained from local farmers by questionnaire and individual contact method. The ethno-veterinary herbal medicinal plants traditionally used by these people were obtained and preserved as herbarium specimens by following standard methods. The identification medicinal plants were further authenticated with Ayurvedic doctor and botanical survey of India. During the study and survey noted that ten and more medicinal plants were traditionally used by farmers to treat various veterinary as well as human diseases. Thus, the study revealed that herbal medicinal plants that are used by the local farming community in North Canara districts of Karnataka and it was inferred that based on study usage of herbal medicinal plants are highly effective on common ailments in animal diseases. It can cut down cost considerably, suitable for small holdings, non-toxic, cheaper, eco-friendly in nature and often socio-culturally acceptable.
