Clinical & Experimental Cardiology

Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9880

+44 1300 500008

How to report statistics in medicine

36th Cardiovascular Nursing & Nurse Practitioners Meeting

July 10-11, 2017 Chicago, USA

Michelle Secic

Secic Statistical Consulting, Inc., USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Cardiolog

Abstract :

I suspect you do not have the time or desire to learn all the nuances, formulas and theories in statistical computations. You just want to know what tests/methods to use for your study and what needs to be reported. Whether you are reporting results to the FDA or in the medical literature or to upper management, etc. you will need to ensure you are reporting your results accurately, for your type of study. You can think of my guidelines as Cliff ΓΆΒ?Β?s Notes for reporting statistics in medicine. This is just a small snapshot of the comprehensive guide. I will discuss the following three common study objectives: 1) Group Comparison, 2) Performance Goal and 3) Identify Risk Factors. For each of the three common study objectives, I will first present examples of accurately stating the objectives. Second, I will provide a comprehensive template for reporting the results from each of the three types of studies. The templates will include relevant medical examples, numeric results, statistical findings, tests/methods, etc. Finally, I will provide the full list of concepts covered in my guidelines.

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