ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X
Catalina Bascunan
Andres Bello National University, Chile
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Ann Essence Dent
Hypnosis is a state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by increased responsiveness to suggestion given by the hypnotherapist who can be a psychologist, dentist, nutritionist, doctor, etc. Almost every patient that undergoes dental treatment has anxiety, phobia or some psychologic issue when going to the dentist. To make every single patient more comfortable, and even overcome phobias due to traumatic events in the past without any pharmacological aid is possible and successful with hypnosis, considering that it is quite simple to learn it and no further materials and tools are needed but the dentist itself. Appliances of hypnosis are so varied, and useful in every specialty and treatment available, from improving the patient psychologic wellbeing while being attended, going through controlling gag reflex, getting used to dental prosthetics or intraoral devices, to even controlling bleeding and salivation during procedures. Hence, it is a technique that in an ideal scenario every dentist should learn and apply to their patients to bring an extra tool that helps in many ways to improve not only the patients experience at their dentist attention, but also can help the dentist do a better and easier job.