ISSN: 2329-8936
Farid Menaa
Accepted Abstracts: Transcriptomics
Radiotherapy is a common strategy to treat cancer patients. In this case, a high dose (e.g. 80 Gy) of ionizing radiation is often delivered in fractions of 2-3 Gy. However, natural or induced solar radiation can cause deleterious effects to individuals exposed to it at certain conditions of time, dose and distance. The risk/benefit ratio of received ionizing or non-ionizing radiation could be estimated from the expression of key biomarkers involved in the radiation response. The identification and characterization of these biomarkers have been performed from MCF-7 breast cancer cells as well as from biopsies of patients with metastatic breast cancers. SSH and then microarrays has been performed to identify radio-modulated genes. Messenger RNA and total protein have been isolated to performed qPCR and Western blots, respectively. The signalling pathways of new key genes have been unravelled.
Farid Menaa has completed his PhD in radiation oncology and gerontology from the French Atomic Energy Authority (CEA- 2003) and University of Paris (Jussieu- Sorbonne). Thereafter, he completed three international post-doctoral terms in medicine, genomics, sciences and technology. Among other professional activities, he is currently the R&D Executive Director of Fluorotronics Inc., a chemical and Nanotechnology Company. He has published many papers in reputed journals and serving as an Editorial Board Member of prestigious scientific journals.