ISSN: 2157-7013
+44 1300 500008
Martina Skurlova
Accepted Abstracts: J Cell Sci Ther
Bone marrow- derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) represent a population of non- hematopoietic cells, which can diff erentiate into various cell types. Th e cells possess poor immunogenicity and active immunosuppressive capacity profi le. Moreover, it was discovered that the immunosuppressive potential of MSCs is not natural, but requires the induction by infl ammatory mediators: the cytokines. Interferon- gamma (INF- γ), and contemporary other pro- infl ammatory cytokines like tumor- necrosis factor ? alpha (TNF- α), interleukin- 1 (IL- 1) change functional state of MSCs. Upon infl ammation, fl uctuations of the INF- γ levels correlate with the loss of alloreactive inducing activity of MSCs. Type of toll-like receptor ligand infl uences cytokine- profi le of MSCs. TLR4- primed MSCs exhibit a pro- infl ammatory profi le with increased levels of interleukins (IL- 6, and IL- 8), whilst TLR3- primed MSCs develop characteristics of immunosuppressive cells with increased levels of interleukin- 10 (IL- 10). Th e rationale for using MSCs in autoimmune joint diseases is their local immunosuppressive and anti-infl ammatory activity. In vitro, MSC- diff erentiated chondrocytes from RA patients inhibited collagen type II- stimulated T- cell proliferation and activation by increasing secretion of IL-10 and restoring the secretion of interleukin- 4 (IL-4). In vivo , a single injection of MSCs prevented the occurrence of severe damage to bone and cartilage in collagen- induced arthritis model. Th ese data suggest that cytokines may infl uence the immune-suppressive properties of MSCs in autoimmune joint diseases.
PharmDr. Martina Skurlova has completed her Ph.D studies at the age of 31 at Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. Now she works as a scientist in the fi eld of rheumatology at the University at the Department of Normal, Pathological, and Clinical Physiology. She participates actively in the pre- and postgraduate education programmes. She has published 10 papers in reputed journals