Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals

Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals
Open Access

ISSN: 1948-5964

+44 1300 500008

Immunorex TM improved immunity of HIV-1 infected women leading to newborns with HIV-1 negative serology

4th World Congress on Virology

October 06-08, 2014 Hilton San Antonio Airport, TX, USA

Donatien Mavoungou

Accepted Abstracts: J Antivir Antiretrovir

Abstract :

Introduction: P24 antigenemia is a potential marker of HIV transmission and disease progression; being relevant for response to therapy. HIV-1 infection targeted brain endocrine and immune (BEI) axis as non cognitif stimuli, inducing Th1 and Th2 imbalance restored by ImmunorexTM ,an analog of DHEA, G6PD inhibitor for immune response, precursor of oestrogens for normal fetal intrauterine growth and newborn bodyweight. HIV-1 infection and or Malaria during pregnancy leaded to vertical HIV-1 transmission, intrauterine growth retardation, low birthweight increasing risk of infant death. ImmunorexTM demonstrated capacities to produce HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies, to block host cell entry, syncitia, HIV-1 and co infecting pathogens cooperation which enhanced HIV-1 dissemination. Objective: To verify effect of ImmunorexTM on mother child HIV-1 transmission before pregnancy. Methodology: 36 fertile HIV-1 infected couples involved in the study as follow: Group1: 29 HIV-1 couples without abstinence restriction before pregnancy; Group 2: 7 volunteers couples who received ImmunorexTM treatment (50mg/70mg/day) during abstinence period until they became seronegative. Biomerieux and Western Blot methods were used. Results: Group1 beared HIV-1 positive babies with low birthweight who survive under ImmunorexTM or HAART treatment, while Group2 having higher anti HIV-1 IgG, beared full term babies with seronegative serology and normal birhtweight. Conclusion: ImmunorexTM remained relevant to prevent mother and newborn HIV-1vertical transmission by improving immunity of mothers before conceiving even at a late stage of pregnancy.

Biography :

Donatien Mavoungouis the Director of the Research Center on Hormonal Pathologies (CRPH) Gabon. InvitedMemberatMcGillUniversityAids Center (Montreal) and atGenomic Chair of Canada. He authored more than 150 publications. He discovered IMMUNOREXTM DM28 inhibiting HIV-1 replication. He isProfessor of Biochemistry and Endocrinologyat the University of Health Science Libreville, Gabon. Field: HIV, Metabolicdisorders, HAART, Hormonal Therapy. He received the Prize of the National Center for ScientificResearch in 2009 and 2012. (Gabon). Blue RibbonPresenter, recipient of the Glaxo Smith Klein Awardat ISHIB, Orlando (USA, 2007). Member of WABT Academy.
